8 Very Relevant Harry Potter Quotes for 2020 So Far!

If only ‘Expecto Patronum’ would work right about now, hey?

Confession time; I can narrate most of the Harry Potter films line for line, and have read each book at least 3 times! This is not unusual, in fact, I’m betting 95% of people around my age can say the same!

For those of us that grew up in the Harry Potter era, you will know and appreciate how apt J.K. Rowling’s words can be. Regardless of the situation, there will always be some wise words of wisdom to be found in her writing, and the current global situation is no exception.

Here are my eight favourite quotes from the books that apply to us all right now.

I’d love to know your favourites, why not share your favourite on social media and tag us in the post, or tell me your favourite in the comments. Or, perhaps I’ve missed one out, if so let me know!


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